Entries by administrator

HOT Summer SALE!

Make a total commitment to your yoga practice today. Having balance, strength & clarity every day of the year won’t just improve your life, it will ROCK YOUR WORLD!  Our Annual Special is back, and better than ever! This is the most bang for your buck and the best gift you can give yourself! 365 days of health, clarity, fun and friends. Commit to your health and happiness.  Even if you’re only attending twice a week (although for maximum awesomeness – we recommend more) it is less than $10 a class. If you’ve been waiting to commit, the time is now. All Yearly Yoga Packages $300 OFF    All Punch Passes  20% OFF Will be Available On-line and at the Studio August 10 – August 31st, 2015. 

Star Student: Meagan

Good day fellow yogis, I began Bikram yoga about a year and a half ago.  I come because I looove yoga and I love to sweat!  It removes some of the stress and tension I’ve accumulated throughout the day so that when it’s all done I feel more peaceful. “An inner calm, a better perspective on things, and more gratitude are some of the gifts I’ve received from the practice.” I enjoy this specific yoga community because Dionne, and formerly Adam, have created a caring, welcoming space where we can all hang loose and be ourselves if we choose to.  I look forward to seeing the different teachers and hearing about how things are going.  I enjoy everyone’s uniqueness… such as how Dionne is now becoming less strict, Tannis helping me open my heart chakra with her adjustments, Diane telling us to let go, Adam telling us “just breathe and tell your body what to do” as well as the guest teacher’s “May the force be with you!” My favourite part about this practice is Disco yoga.  I am grateful to be part of this fun loving and caring community! Namaste.

Star Student: Zabrina

“Dear body, I command you to serve me. In Health. In Living. Dear any old energies that are here – aspects or whatever – I divorce you. You are not me. I’m off on a new trail. What happened yesterday is you. I am that I am. It’s as simple as that.”     ~Adamus St. Germain      BYV: How long have you been practicing Bikram yoga, and did you start at BYV or somewhere else? ZABRINA: “Just over one year now. BYV is the first and only place I have done Bikram yoga.”

Star Student: Stephanie

Meet Stephanie Lowen… “Life is like a disco. No matter how the music changes, you just keep on dancing.” ~From the movie: Jumping the Broom   BYV: How long have you been practicing Bikram yoga, and did you start at BYV or somewhere else? STEPHANIE: I started here in Vernon and have been practicing since mid February of this year.

Star Student: Kristy and Bill

Live Simply! Dream Big! Be Grateful! Give Love! Laugh Lot’s! “We’ve been in Vernon for 33 years, both came together from Vancouver. We found jobs in Vernon  Bill set up a medical practice as a family practitioner and Kristy taught elementary school. We are both recently retired, however Bill continues to work part time in the walk in clinics. We are enjoying the freedom to travel!”          BYV: How long have you been practicing Bikram yoga, and did you start at BYV or somewhere else?

Star Student: Alison and Matt

“As parents of a 5 year old and 1 year old twins, as well as owning a business, we have made the time to alternate classes and get in the hot room at least 3 days per week each. Making that time has been one of the best things we have done for us and our children.”   BYV: How long have you been practicing Bikram yoga, and did you start at BYV or somewhere else?